Blommeland Kleuterskool
B l o m m e l a n d
Kleuterskool en Creche / Nursery school and Creche
Eloffsdal X3, Pretoria, Gauteng
Klein begin kan oorwin
Tel: 012 - 335 0539
Cel: 066 227 6450
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SA Schools

Prys informasie / Fee information

    Skool fooi vir eerste maand/ School fees first month. 
    Inskrywingsfooi / Entry Fee:                                                R 600-00    Per Year
    Voldag per kind 3 jaar en ouer/ Fullday per child 3 years and older:        R 2850-00 (06h30 to 17h15)
    Voldag per kind onder 3 jaar/ Fullday per child under 3 years:              R 2950-00 (06h30 to 17h15)

    Skool fooi/ School Fees

    Voldag per kind 3 jaar en ouer/ Fullday per child 3 years and older:        R 2200-00 (06h30 to 17h15)
    Voldag per kind onder 3 jaar/ Fullday per child under 3 years:              R 2300-00 (06h30 to 17h15)
    Halfdag per kind / Halfday per child:                                       R 2100-00 (06h30 to 13h00)

            Dagsorg / Daycare:                                                  R 150-00
            Vakansiesorg / Holiday care:                                        R 700-00
            Outing:         Dates will be gevin to Parents
                            R150-00 Per child is payable
            Tuck-shop (Friday's):       R10-00 Per child
        Buite muurse aktiwiteite is opsioneel. / Extra murals and classes are optional.
        (Let asb. daarop dat die fooie enige tyd kan verander.) 

	(Please take note that school fees can change at anytime.)    

Kontak ons gerus vir meer inligting / Contact us for more information